Physical Location
7700 Pelham Road - Greenville, SC 29615
Mailing and Shipping Address
8595 Pelham Rd. Ste 400 #147 - Greenville, SC 29615
(864) 458-8443 Email:
Meetings: First and Third Wednesday
Club Hours: Fri. - 7:00PM - 11:00PM
Sat. (Events Only)
Elks are a nationwide community-service organization of well over a million American citizens.
We love our Country and desire to preserve its cherished institutions, traditions and values. We
respect our neighbors and constantly seek to promote their well-being. We love and enjoy life and
believe this enjoyment is increased by sharing it with family, friends and all with whom we come
in contact.
To be eligible for membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, you must be a
citizen of the United States over the age of 21 who believes in God and be sponsored by a
member of the Lodge.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks?
BECAUSE We seek to bring into our Order only those who delight in wholesome
associations with congenial companions, men and women who possess a deep sense of
patriotism, fair play and dedication to noble causes. Our Members are people who find the
fulfillment of their existence in service to humanity, in feeding the hungry, sheltering the
homeless, aiding those in distress; proving themselves to be true friends to all in need.
BECAUSE We lead no one to our doors with any promised material benefits or fame. We
pledge no advancement of personal or career ambitions; instead we vow to help each other
become better and happier persons. We believe in not merely wishing others well but in
manifesting this belief by deeds, seeking to serve rather than to be served. To Elks, laughter is
better than tears, and a kind word is more powerful than a frown. The dream of a better world
becomes reality when shaped by enough willing hearts and hands.
BECAUSE We question no one's religion, nor do we exclude anyone because of creed,
race, ethnic origin, educational attainment, vocation, material status or physical stature. We
measure character by what one is and does, not by titles or position. We do not seek to impose
different beliefs in place of personal commitments to God, Family and Country, nor do we ask
anyone to act in any manner contrary to the dictates of conscience. We do not permit religious or
political differences to intrude into organizational considerations at the local, district, state or
national levels.
BECAUSE You can join with the millions of fine and noble American Elks who have
helped better the destiny and way of life for countless generations in our country for over 130
years. The generosity is without fanfare and often even without the recipient's knowledge of the
benefactor's identity. You may even have been helped in the past. We have always been there,
quietly providing help and encouragement. Now it's your turn to get involved, to join America's
quiet humanitarians, and to give your life new purpose and fulfillment.
BECAUSE The Elks Lodge in your community affords you the opportunity to join your
neighbors and friends and take a prominent role in the improvement of community life by the
practice of the principles and virtues we have held sacred for over a century and quarter -Charity,
Justice. Brotherly Love and Fidelity
BECAUSE We expend over sixteen million dollars yearly to bring encouragement, cheer
and comfort to veterans throughout the United States in fulfillment of our solemn pledge: "So
long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them."
BECAUSE Through the Elks National Foundation perpetual fund with assets exceeding
three hundred a fifty million dollars, we provide over fourteen million each year for college
scholarships, grants for higher education to children of deceased Elks and other charitable
benevolent endeavors.
BECAUSE Through our local Lodge, district, state a national programs, we provide
healthful activities, guidance and assistance to over eight million boys and girls each year. We
fund scholarships, athletic teams, summer cam scouting and drug education programs. We
encourage civic environmental and patriotic involvement through essay contests, seminars and
distribution of materials; as well family-oriented activities in our Lodges.
BECAUSE Elks operate numerous camps, hospital clinics, training centers and in-home
services for the care and treatment of children and adults with physical disabilities including
vision and speech problems, across the country.
BECAUSE In our many benevolences Elks and Lodges throughout the United States spend
over forty-five million dollars annually in our various works of community betterment and
charitable programs. This is in addition to yearly-donated hours equivalent to over one hundred
million dollars.
BECAUSE In more than 2,000 Elks Lodges throughout the United States, civic leaders
prominent public, business and professional life can be found. In these Lodges, located in the
principal cities and towns throughout America, smiling faces and a warm welcome await you as
an Elk. You'll never have to stand alone in an uncaring world around you, now that you're a
Member the American Elks family.