Physical Location
7700 Pelham Road - Greenville, SC 29615
Mailing and Shipping Address
8595 Pelham Rd. Ste 400 #147 - Greenville, SC 29615
(864) 458-8443 Email:
Meetings: First and Third Wednesday
Club Hours: Fri. - 7:00PM - 11:00PM
Sat. (Events Only)
Hoop Shoot Competition
The Hoop Shoot is a nationally recognized basketball free throw contest
sponsored annually by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks USA
and the Greenville Elks Lodge #858. Competition is held at the Lodge,
District, State and National levels. Transportation, Meals and Lodging for
contestants beyond the Lodge competition are paid for by the Elks.
Competition is for boys and girls from age 8 to 13 winners receive awards
at each level of competition and the National Winners in each age group
and gender are enshrined in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame.
The Elks Soccer Shoot contest is open to boys and girls ages in four
age groups Under 8, 10, 12 and 14. Boys and girls compete in two
different skill tests depending on age group at Lodge, District, State
and coming soon National Competition. Like the Hoop Shoot,
Transportation, Meals and Lodging for contestants beyond the Lodge
competition are paid for by the Elks.
The Greenville Elks Lodge #858 sponsors Lodge competition at the
CESA soccer complex annually in October
Most Valuable Student Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded annually to high school seniors The Greenville Lodge gives first, second and third place winner
scholarships in the male and female categories. Winners are graded based on their submission of academic performance, SAT
scores, need, community and school activities. and an essay. Students winning at the Lodge level are automatically entered for
State Association scholarship consideration, winners at the state level are entered for consideration in one of the many National
scholarship awards. A single entry can receive awards at the local Lodge, State and National levels.
DAP Drug Awareness Program
Elks National Drug Awareness Program - the largest volunteer drug
awareness program in the United States.
The Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal
drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a
bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised
in a drug-free environment.
Veterans Services
Elks pledge "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks will never forget them."
The Greenville Elks Lodge is committed to this pledge. We honor our
Veterans by service at the Richard Campbell Nursing Home and by
sponsoring local chapters of Vets Helping Vets and the Special Forces
Local Charity Activities
The Greenville Elks Lodge provides thousands of dollars in cash and time annually to local charitable activities
including but not limited to our Music Instrument Program, Meals on Wheels, support for our Police Department and
Sheriff’s Department, Back Packs, Food, Transportation for Vets, individual requests, Caps for Kids, Thanksgiving and
Christmas Food Baskets, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Scholarships, Americanism Essay Contest and so much more.
Social Activities
Many local Lodge social activities through the year Picnics, Movie Night, Dinners, Liquor and Wine Tasting, Dinner
on Lodge Meeting night, Football and Friday night in the Lounge, two State Conventions and the annual Grand Lodge
Convention not to mention invitations to social activities at our sister Lodges throughout South Carolina and across the